AR Collections
The AR Collections App adds the ability to manage Accounts Receivables collection efforts within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. The solution adds features to automate the email notifications of customer of past due invoices and adds a new AR Collections Role Center so individual Collection Managers can keep track of their AR collection interactions with each customer assigned to them.
App Registration
Enter the information you were provided to register the AR Collections application:
Field Name | Description |
App ID | Specifies the AR Collections app ID. |
Tenant ID: | Specifies the Tenant ID from D365 BC. |
Access Level | Specifies the AR Collections app ID. |
Installed Date | Specifies the date AR Collections was installed. |
AR Collection Setup
General FastTab
Field Name | Description |
Disable Past Due Email Notifications | If selected (true), specifies the past due Notices will not be sent. |
Past Due Calculation Range: Start Date | Specifies the number of days to look back from the current date for the start of the Past Due Calculation date range.This value defaults into the Past Due Start Date field on the Past Due Notice Generation page. |
Past Due Calculation Range: End Date | Specifies the number of days to look forward from the current date for the end of the Past Due Calculation date range.This value defaults into the Past Due End Date field on the Past Due Notice Generation page. |
AR Collections Test Mode
Field Name | Description |
Test Mode | If selected (true), specifies the Test Mode is enabled. Emails will not be sent to customers, but to the specified Test email address for testing purposes. |
Test Email Address | Specifies the email address to be used to send the mails when Test Mode is set to selected (true). |
Test Email Subject | Specifies the subject to be used on manual emails. You can type in %1 to include the Customer Name as a parameter in the Email Subject. |
Test Email Message | Specifies the Email message to be used on manual emails. |
AR Collection Notice Control
The AR Collection Notice Control allows you to set up each individual email message with the Notices.
Field Name | Description |
Days | Specifies the number of days an invoice is past its due date before this Notice is sent. |
Active | Specifies the Notice is active and should be sent. |
Customer Hold | Specifies, if selected (true), that when this number of days is reached, the customer should automatically be placed on hold. |
Project Hold | Specifies if a customers Projects(s) should be put on hold. Options: |
No Action: none of the Projects are put on hold. | |
- Invoice Related: If selected, only put Invoice Related items for the Project on hold. | |
- All: All Projects are put on hold. Options include: | |
Email subject | Specifies the subject to be used on emails of this type. You can type in %1 to include the Customer Name as a parameter in the Email Subject. |
Report ID | Specifies the Notice (report) that should be sent when this number of days is reached. |
Report Caption | Specifies the Notice (report) caption. |
Attach Invoices | Specifies, if selected (true), to include past due invoices as an attachment to this email. |
Attach Summary of Invoices | Specifies, if selected (true), it should include past due invoices as summary attachment to this email. |
Minimum Balance | Specifies the Minimum Balance a Customer must have in order to be sent a Notice on an invoice. |
AR Collections Email Setup
For each line specified above (in the first section of AR Collections Notice Control), you can specify one or multiple paths for the email being sent. This section lets you specify who will receive an email for each of the "days past due" lines specified above.
Field Name | Description |
Address Type | Specifies that the email address to be CC is either the email address keyed or the path. Path can indicate the Customer, Salesperson, or Project Manager as well as the CC address, Email, Path or N/A. |
Email Address | Specifies the email address that will be used for this position. Can only be entered if Address Type is Email. |
Path Address | Specifies the option of which system email should be used. |
-Customer Email: Sends email to the address on the Customer. | |
- Customer Salesperson: Sends email to the address of the Salesperson assigned to the Customer. | |
- Project Manager: Sends email to the address of the Project Manager for the invoices for the Customer. | |
To/CC/BCC | Specifies the receipt type for the email if it should be sent. Specifies if the Email Address or the Path Address will be used in the To, the CC or the BCC line on the email being sent. |
Email Message
To access Email Message select the link for Email Message from the ribbon.
Field Name | Description |
Email Body Message | Specifies email body message when sending Notices. |
Report Header Message | Specifies report header message when sending Notices. |
Report Footer Message | Specifies report footer message when sending Notices. |
Job Queue
To send emails, a Business Central Job Queue Entry needs to be created. For information about creating Job Queue Entries in Business Central, see: Job queue
For the AR Collection Notice Control Job Queue Entry, besides the standard Business Central fields, complete the following for AR Collections Past Due Notice Generation:
- Object Type to Run: Specify Report.
- Object ID to Run: Specify 70496075.
- You will also need to specify values in the Recurrence FastTab to set how frequently the Job Queue should run, as well as other parameters.
Emails that are sent from the Job Queue will use the caption Email sent to Customer | Job Queue in the Note field of the AR Collections Card > Collection Contacts FastTab.
User Setup
For each user who will be using AR Collections, you will need to open User Setup and create a for them as either a Collections Admin or as a Collections Rep.
Field Name | Description |
Collections Admin | Specifies if this user is allowed to see all Customers in the AR Collections module. If not checked the user must have each customer added individually in the AR Collections Account Reps page. The Collections Admin user automatically has access to all user collection activity. |
To set a user as a Collections Admin select the Collections Admin checkbox.
For non-Collection Admins, from the User Setup page, highlight the specific user, from the ribbon, select Actions and AR Collections Account Reps link. In the AR Collections Account Reps page that opens:
Field Name | Description |
User ID | Specifies the identifier for the selected "non-Admin" user. |
Customer No. | Select the drop down and select any Customer numbers that you wish to assign to this Collection Rep. |
AR Collections - Customer Card
For information on setting up an AR Collections Card for a Customer, see: AR Collections Card